Enterprise Florida Initiative Excludes Female Professionals
I am rarely proud of my home state of Florida. Mostly because I am a liberal stuck in this very red state where people apparently do not know how to vote properly (our ballots are always the last to be counted) and unfair and unproductive policies and practices continue to exist.
No Child Left Behind has been a dismal failure, creating schools that only teach to the FCAT and children who are not learning the basics. Education has given way to memorization -- so long as you pass that test you must be "smart." This is a shockingly narrow-minded approach. Future generations will know nothing at all. It's a shame.
A conservative CROOK was elected governor. I thought it would be difficult to do worse than Jeb Bush, but low and behold, Governor Rick Scott is redefining what it means to be sleazy. No one has held him accountable, he was let off the hook for his fraudulent act-- taking money from Medicare.
Very recently, three "liberal leaning" judges were opening attacked, right before the elections, by their conservative counterparts. In a vicious slander campaign, these judges were targeted for the direct purpose of gaining more republican-leaning votes for the districts. Criminal!
Now, our dimwitted Governor, Mr. Scott has clearly let it be known that he believes women to be inferior business owners by neglecting to include them in his newest endeavor. In fact, he hasn't even considered them in his definition of "business owner" as is evident by the logo for his new initiative, Enterprise Florida. The log, which is the word "Florida," is sporting a necktie. How many women do you know of that wear a tie, particularly in a professional setting? (While it would be fine if they did, they do not currently - this is a clear message.) Don't let anyone convince you that this is an accident, or unimportant. This is a very clear message, and case-in-point of why feminism is just as needed today as ever before!
It has caused some backlash from professional women, who are insulted by the very obvious male-association. While there will undoubtedly be others who say this outrage is an overreaction, I too am offended. This is clearly a statement that male-owned businesses are wanted in Florida, not women-owned. How sad is it that in 2013 women are still fighting for an equal place in the professional world. Even as women-owned businesses grow in significant percentages we still aren't being taken seriously by all men. Fight for your equality ladies (and you men who love us and believe in us.) Do it for your daughters. Perhaps one day they will get an equal share of the commerce pie...and be seen as just "business owners," not "female business owners."
No Child Left Behind has been a dismal failure, creating schools that only teach to the FCAT and children who are not learning the basics. Education has given way to memorization -- so long as you pass that test you must be "smart." This is a shockingly narrow-minded approach. Future generations will know nothing at all. It's a shame.
A conservative CROOK was elected governor. I thought it would be difficult to do worse than Jeb Bush, but low and behold, Governor Rick Scott is redefining what it means to be sleazy. No one has held him accountable, he was let off the hook for his fraudulent act-- taking money from Medicare.
Very recently, three "liberal leaning" judges were opening attacked, right before the elections, by their conservative counterparts. In a vicious slander campaign, these judges were targeted for the direct purpose of gaining more republican-leaning votes for the districts. Criminal!
Now, our dimwitted Governor, Mr. Scott has clearly let it be known that he believes women to be inferior business owners by neglecting to include them in his newest endeavor. In fact, he hasn't even considered them in his definition of "business owner" as is evident by the logo for his new initiative, Enterprise Florida. The log, which is the word "Florida," is sporting a necktie. How many women do you know of that wear a tie, particularly in a professional setting? (While it would be fine if they did, they do not currently - this is a clear message.) Don't let anyone convince you that this is an accident, or unimportant. This is a very clear message, and case-in-point of why feminism is just as needed today as ever before!
It has caused some backlash from professional women, who are insulted by the very obvious male-association. While there will undoubtedly be others who say this outrage is an overreaction, I too am offended. This is clearly a statement that male-owned businesses are wanted in Florida, not women-owned. How sad is it that in 2013 women are still fighting for an equal place in the professional world. Even as women-owned businesses grow in significant percentages we still aren't being taken seriously by all men. Fight for your equality ladies (and you men who love us and believe in us.) Do it for your daughters. Perhaps one day they will get an equal share of the commerce pie...and be seen as just "business owners," not "female business owners."
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