About Me

I am a writer.  I once read a quote on my English teacher's wall that said, "A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult."  At the time, I was utterly confused by this.  But with age, I've come to understand and identify with it deeply.  For a writer, words are so important and the act of writing such a part of who she is, that it is more difficult.  It is also necessary.  I write because I must.  It fulfills my passion to reflect on life, relieves my burdened heart, and fuels my soul.

I am a feminist.  As a woman, it makes zero sense to me to be anything but. I am extremely dedicated to exposing inequality and gender bias in all realms of my life.  I fight for myself, for my daughter, and all my sisters of the world in all the small and big ways I can.  I strive to live by the quote, "Strong Women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them."

I am a mother.  Being a mother has fine-tuned by outlook on life, has made me even more passionate to change this world for the better.  We must leave a more just world for our children than we inherited. 

I am agnostic-minded, worshiper of kindness and love.  I was raised to respect all religions for their underlying message of love.  They are more similar in their doctrine than humans put into action.  This is such a shame, and has led to too much religious-based hatred and violence.  "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love."


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