Bride of Christ

(In response to Catholic Nuns speaking out about abuse/rape by priests—6,11,2019)

She stood alone at an altar, wearing black, not white, though hers was the purist of covenants. An unmatched promise of devotion...body & soul. 

There were vows, but no kiss. Celebration, but no gifts... Like any bride, she felt His love would be enough. The wedding day... Her salvation. 

A fellow faithful officiated, in mirrored black. His white collar demanding respect.... deemed worthy by so many “holy” men. Naively, she trusted them, Judases betraying another innocent lamb.

Salivating in the wings, he waited for her 

to settle in, get comfortable in her new life; like any seasoned predator, he knew an ambush more effective. This man of the cloth (led only by the traumatic power of his loins). 

The day dawned... 

Unexpected and violent advances ripped virgin flesh, ravaged her sacred temple...darkened sheets that would forever remind her...of her place... 

among the sacrificed.

*Photo credit:

Cesare Laurenti - Junge Klosterschwester in ihrer Zelle (c.1900)


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