Where Are the Children?

Fellow Mama, I hear your cries of agony, of despair, as you watch your baby, that piece of your heart you sacrificed life and limb for, ripped from your arms by strangers in uniforms...the helplessness, the dread you must feel, soul crushing.

Where are they taking her, those officials sanctioned by this foreign government to decide her fate, as you are hauled off to jail for daring to want a piece of freedom? What existence awaits her, without you, her protector, by her side?

Yearning to breathe free, you accepted Lady Liberty‘s invitation ... despite her current landlord changing the rules. You still hoped for understanding, sympathy from “the land of the free,” and a home for your child among the brave, for conquering a journey out of oppression... from an unsafe homeland. It’s the promise you’ve heard touted for generations, across the world. Now, hollow sentiment, like the waving of a flag.

Fellow Mama, I am sorry that my countrymen have done this to you, to your beautiful offspring. Sorry that I cannot control the behaviors of powerful men. Sorry that the innocent are always the victims... Sorry....

Sorry....such a broken, empty word. As empty as your arms... as broken as your heart.


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