Letter to My Newborn Son

I cradle you in my arms, marveling at your milk breath smiles and sweet coos...while news of men misbehaving dominates our country’s attention. I vow you will be different.

Your adoring blue eyes stare intently into my own, equal admiration and love sealing our bond. You are perfect in your innocence. That light in your eyes reminiscent of the heavens we have long forgotten. It will fade with time, as you become more earthly...but your goodness can remain, it is my job to ensure so.

Did their mothers forget this duty, or were other players simply more powerful? Do they cry as they remember those first days of newborn innocence? Or do they deny such acts are possible from their sweet babies?

“Boys will be boys” we told them, repeated it like a mantra, internalized it until the psyche of a nation was a battle cry...silencing every woman’s scream.

Each laboring mother’s voice drowned in her own sacred vessel...Forgetting we are the life givers, deserving better.

But, you, my son, you will remember. Won’t you? Remember that Eve from which you were born....my sacred waters anointing your life with divine wisdom and love.

It is your duty to remember.


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